E2L project in Chhlong

The Easy Learn Project- E2L –  in Chhlong district Kratie province, Cambodia, aims  to have equitable access to quality education in well managed, Child Friendly Schools (CFS) which demonstrate increasingly effective teaching practices and learning outcomes (especially in early grade reading) and community participation in development planning and governance. The project will strive to achieve these supporting outcomes :

  1. To increase access to education for all school aged children in the target schools.
  2. To improve children’s reading performance in the early grades.
  3. To improve effectiveness of teaching and learning through CFS implementation and capacity building to key stakeholders including DTMT, school directors, teachers, and SSCs in order to respond to the needs of children learning, especially students with additional learning needs.          The target Primary schools : 17,  51 school enrollment campaigns conducted at the beginning of each school year, 102 school directors, teachers, SSC, and CC trained on school mapping development process (6 participants from each school,51 school maps developed by the schools, 20 DTMT and school directors trained on SIP development process (2 day refresher training;  session and 1 refresher , 34 SIPs developed and implemented, up to 150 school children from marginalized families supported with health referrals within 3 years (Y1=50; Y2=50; Y3=50)

 05 school playgrounds and 12 school bio-gardens established , 96 classrooms enhanced to follow the child friendly model, 113 reading toolkits distributed.

17 math toolkits provided to 17 target schools, 25,500 books including reading books, comic books, text books and academic books provided to 17 libraries (1,500 books for 1 library).

02 school wells constructed with high quality, 05 classroom libraries renovated

02 school buildings  07 stand alone libraries 07 school latrines