Story of Sarin Srey Sros

Story of Sarin Srey Sros

Sarin Srey Sros is a 14-year old girl and a 6th grade student at the Trapang Treang Primary School. She goes to school every weekdays morning. She is living with her family in the village of Trapang Treang, Chong Krong commune. She has one sister and one brother. Both of her parents are farmers. She spends a lot of time helping her parents on the farm and she also takes care of her sister while she is at home. The school is about 500 meters away from her home. She walks to school barefoot, only sometimes she rides the bicycle with her friends. The school is less than a kilometer from the provincial town. The school lacks facilities to provide clean water and toilet for the students. There are also not enough teachers and classrooms to cater all the students.

Srey Sros said:“My school is not good because it doesn’t have fences for our security, no clean drinking water, no toilets and no flowered garden. I and the other students thought of not coming to school because there is no clean water to drink. I have to bring my own water from home. Sometimes when I forgot to bring water from my home, I have to ask the villagers near the school for drinking water, but this water is also not clear and safe to drink. If I want to wash my feet and hands, I have to go to the pond which is far away from school because the school doesn’t provide any clean water. I am usually coming late to school because I often have diarrhea and abdominal pains due to unclean water. It’s difficult for me and my friends to come to school if we are not feeling well. Now I am very happy because my school has a well and a water filter, I don’t need to carry water from my home anymore. I am not having diarrhea and abdominal pains anymore. So I go to school regularly now. In the last several months, 5 of my friends have gone back to school to study.
Finally, I would like to give thanks to the KAFDOC organization who provided the school with a pump well and water filter. I wish you good health and success for the organization.”