Gender promotion

Gender promotion-Gender Road Map


KAFDOC is working for gender equality, as it is fundamental to the development of a nation. We share the view that everyone should receive equal treatment and not be discriminated against based on their gender.

To reach gender equality, KAFDOC has set several objectives in its area of intervention.

Objectives :

  • Raise awareness of the commune council about gender equality and have the same amount of women and men in the commune council ;
  • Train women on law on migration, land concessions management governance, politic leadership ;
  • Ensure them to raise their voices to local authorities in local governance ;
  • Encourage them to share their experiences ;
  • Work in corporation with the provincial council in charge of women and children’s affairs. Work in partnership with provincial department of women affair.


Promotion of Gender Equity for Local Governance Project :

Gender 1

The aim is to improve leadership and management skills for selected local women leaders, among them commune and village chiefs. This project is a continuation of HBF (Heinrich Boell Stiftung) Cambodia’s longstanding cooperation with KAFDOC in Kratie.

Over the past years, KAFDOC has carried out various community development activities in Kratie province, focused on projects that promote women rights in 36 villages of the target area.

Among those efforts, there was a specific project on women’s involvement in political decision-making at the local level. In the context of this project, KAFDOC has noticed a continuous improvement in terms of female leadership management and their ability to be active political players.The acceptance of the active participation of female leaders in local-level policies is a very important step towards the establishment of gender IMG_1216equity. It also contributes to a mindset that assigns women an essential role in the political-decision making process to overcome classic gender-based stereotypes. Women who have been working with KAFDOC’sproject assumed leadership positions in their respective communities. They learned how to coordinate, communicate and resolve issues regarding public concerns. Furthermore, during the 2012 commune elections, a considerable number of female candidates who were working with the project, and who were applying for commune Councillor seats have been elected into the office.


Gender Road Map II project:

The aim of this project is to make women free from domestic violence and ensure their happy life at home, and increase the participation of women and youth in local good governance.


  • R1: Build capacity of TOT and Change Makers on gender concept, GRM tool, and raise awareness on domestic violence, human rights and child protection.
  • R2: Improve dialogue between women and men and adoption of egalitarian gender rules that support women’s participation in economic and political activities.
  • R3: Help vulnerable women and men to realize the importance allocating tasks equally at their households in order to reduce domestic violence, increasing their incomes and therefore enjoy a healthy life.
  • R4: Influence line agencies and local authorities to respond to the poor family’s demand on ending domestic violence and help improving women’s health by improve proper hygiene and sanitary conditions in their communities.
